Enterprise Services (IGAs)

Lydia King'ori - IGAs Coordinator

An Income Generating Activity (IGA) is any activity initiated within
an existing IGU, Department or School with the purpose of generating
income for the Nyeri National Polytechnic. As the funding from the
exchequer continues to be constrained, it is important for the Nyeri
National Polytechnic to diversify its finance portfolio through IGAs

Over the past decade public institutions have continued to receive
less funding from the Government than their estimated expenditure, a
trend which is expected to persist in the foreseeable future.
Consequently, staffing costs and cost of learning and research
materials, catering and accommodation services have not been fully met from the funds disbursed by the Government.

The Nyeri Polytechnic Farm Income Generating Unit shall be run and managed by the Nyeri Polytechnic Farm IGU committee which is responsible for the coordination of all Income Generating Activities of the polytechnic. The IGA shall operate and espouse the principles of good governance; accountability, transparency, professionalism and on the basis of  existing legislation. Declaration of profit from IGA shall be done as per the A-I- A return format quarterly. All the operations of the IGA shall be in compliance with the institution’s vision, mission and core values.

Services & Products

The Nyeri National Polytechnic Offer the following services and products:

Dairy Processing Plant

The NNP dairy produces the following products:

  • Pasteurized Milk
  • Cheese
  • Ghee
  • Yogurt
The Farm

The farm carries out the following activities:

  • Dairy farming
  • Horticulture
  • Poultry rearing
  • Apiculture
Cabro Making

The Building & Civil Engineering department produces high quality cabros.

Short Courses

These are offered across all the training departments at NNP.

Milk Products Processing

The Nyeri N. Poly Dairy Produces some of the highest quality dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, ghee and butter using our state-of-the art processing facility.

Order For Our Products/Services

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