Human Resources Department

Ms. Ngama
Martha Ngama - HR Officer

About Us

The Nyeri National Polytechnic recognizes Human Resource as a very important asset. The Polytechnic is committed to providing its employees with a working environment that is fair and conducive for individual professional growth and meeting the institution goals and objectives. It has developed HR Manual to ensure efficient and effective service delivery resulting in proficient customer service

The department’s major functions include recruitment/ hiring and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management, managerial relations and labour relations.

The department is always in hunt for talented, skilled and qualified professionals for continuous development of the Polytechnic.


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Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis


Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis


Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis

Parting Shot

The Nyeri National Polytechnic is an equal opportunity employer and women, persons who are physically challenged and youth are encouraged to apply for vacancies whenever they arise.