Medical Services
NNP Sanatorium Profile
- Consultation
- Dressing & Injection
- Family Planning
- Wellness Services
- Minor Surgeries
Opening Hours
- Monday - Sunday : 06:00 Hrs - 18:00 Hrs
- 19:00 Hrs - 05:00 Hrs (On Call)
Strategic Objective
The Nyeri National Polytechnic dispensary exists to offer wholistic and patient oriented health care through promotive and curative services to our clients with observance to professional standards and medical code of ethics.

NNP Sanatorium opened its doors as a level II outpatient clinic to provide quality health care to students, and have since then improved to include staff and visitors who come to NNP. Our services began as the vision of the institute management recognized the need of providing health care to its students, staff and visitors at a small fee, where students’ pay medical fee and the others as individuals depending on the services rendered.
We are a dedicated team under DEAN’S OFFICE to ensure Students’ Welfare. Our objective or goal is to provide quality, affordable, timely and accessible health care to NNP community. We are looking forward to making our clinic bigger and better as the polytechnic grows in order to offer more services as need arises.
We strive to provide the best healthcare on campus!
Out Patient Services
Treatment of common eye diseases or disorders. The dispensary has a Clinical Officer who has a Bachelor of Science BSC in Opthalmology And Cataract Surgery.
Health check- ups including blood pressure, blood sugars, weight taking, height measurement, calculation of BMI values.
Minor surgery and wound dressing
Promotive Healthcare
Offering promotive health care through continuous health education or talks for various ailments for example diabetes, hypertension, nutritional counseling, BMI taking Body Mass Index etc
Pharmaceuticals Services
We have a well-stocked pharmacy for treatment of common ailments or diseases.
Curative services
Referrals & Emergencies
Efficient and effective referral of clients to other facilities for specialized treatment or care. The dispensary has a good network of communication with neighboring health facilities where patients are referred to. Handling and stabilization of emergency cases is done with utmost precision and care.
Our Sanatorium